Friday, November 4, 2011

Almost 8 Weeks Later....

Seriously??  I haven't posted on my photo blog for almost 8 weeks?

I am getting to be quite the negligent blogger, aren't I?!!

I love this photo of Fluff and Ringo (above), taken a few years ago.  So I pulled it out of my archives and spiffed it up a bit in Photoshop Elements 9, which I ordered a few months ago.

Of course, as you may know, Photoshop Elements 10 just came out, and that happened to me a week after I received my Elements 9 version.  Not sure why I missed that announcement... oh well.  I'm enjoying working with the 9 version for the time being!

I have always liked this old barn photo (below), which I snapped shortly after my move to Kansas, and on one of my first photo excursions with my then-new Nike DSLR.  I've brightened it up in Photoshop Elements 9 here...

And then I converted it to B and W (below), adjusting the contrast to get a slightly wild and stormy look....

And then there's this forever-favorite of mine (below), taken during the same above photo excursion...

I have a ton of favorite photos, but I admit these are in my top 25, er, maybe top 50?!

Looking forward to a weekend of temps in the 60s.... here's hoping you have a great weekend and good weather to go along with it!


  1. Yes, I really like these too. Has it really been 8 weeks? Wow. Time has flown.

  2. These are great! You are doing good with photoshop. I have it but need to learn to use it.

  3. I got Photo Shop Elements nine just a few weeks ago..have not had time to do much..but it is great for removing power lines! :)

  4. Loving the old barn pic's, specially the on in B+W. Keep those photos coming! : )

  5. Great photos! marlu

  6. Fantastic. I love Black and White photos and these are perfect for that. You are a wonderful photographer. As far as how often you post, I do not visit as I would like to, but will try to more often. I have not posted like I would like to either. I have to dig out old photos and get them ready for the holidays that have crept up on us quickly once again. Have a great day.


I love all your comments, thank you!