Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day Sixty Two

Such a beautiful day today! Ringo and I walked around the pond... before the sun came up this morning, and again this afternoon. I wish you could hear the sounds all around me.... so many different kinds of birds chirping, and the frogs' chorus the last few days has been just beautiful! We have CRP grass across the road, and it seems to be filled with the sound of frogs since last week. Get the skinny on CRP grasslands here.

Here's Ringo doing what he loves ... just being a lab!
The tan colored grass beyond the trees is the CRP grassland.

Some days, it's hard to post only ONE photo! :-)


  1. More gorgeous scenery! Looks like Ringo had lots of fun!

  2. Looks like a beautiful day. I'm glad you posted more than one photo!

  3. What a beautiful place to walk. We had a lab that we always thought had a problem - her was afraid of water. We never could geet him in it!

  4. What a beautiful day! Thanks for sharing! I would guess Ringo goes for a swim quite often!

  5. Oh awesome..you have yourself a water dog! My Rottie was a big fan of the water. When she died about two years ago, we picked up another shortly after a (shepherd/chow..it appears she enjoys the water too. Anyway..great shots!

  6. You did have nice weather. I love the first shot...very minimalistic but serene. Looks like Ringo really likes the water!

  7. I wish my backyard looked like that...

  8. wonderful surrounding and landscape! Sure there are great sounds arround

  9. Beautiful colour in the sky. I know what you mean about posting one picture only. Sometimes I have to be really strict with myself.

  10. Nice that you have a program to support the birds and the grasslands. Your lab looks like mine, loving a swim.

  11. The first picture is stunning - the ripples in the water really make it for me.

  12. Labs are such great dogs. I would own one if they didn't shed.

  13. Great great photo's!! I love seeing doggies swimming in the pond!!
    What fun!!

  14. I know what you mean about only being able to post one photo. Other days though....

  15. That top photo is just excellent, I love it! I think the trees are what speak to me:)


I love all your comments, thank you!