Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day Twenty Five

Finally, I got a picture of one of the meadowlarks that frequent our pastures! I'll tell you what, these little buggers make short work of horse manure. I'm amazed at how fast they break it down to nothing!! Regretfully, our cats have managed to catch one or two of these beautiful birds, which makes me sad. :-(


  1. Great bird pic! Hmm, horse manure, do they do the same thing for dog manure? 'Cause I've got quite a bit they could have around our yard. As for the cats, well, they are just being cats, but it is also sad that such beautiful birds can meet such an end.

  2. So sweet! I am thinking about getting a bird feeder just so I have an opportunity to see a variety of birds!

    Love this pic!

  3. What a shot! Meadowlarks are not easy to get on film.

    Meadowlarks are one of the first signs that spring is no longer hit and miss (which is what the robins bring) but has arrived for good. At least, that's the way it is in the valleys of Utah. :)

  4. Oh drat! Forgot to tell you, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on Adopt a Hamster Glad you got a laugh out of the eye donors, turkey vultures, and the ... er ... allergy medicine stories! :)

  5. Beautiful photo. I have never seen a meadowlark in person, just pics.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Meadowlarks are beautiful birds! Love the pic!

  7. Saw your post on Reggie Girl's site, so thought I would pop over. I enjoyed your photos. You should join us in our shoot out next week, even if you post one photo.

    Love the way you captured the bird. He looks like he is studying you, too.

    Keep clicking!

  8. I don't think I've ever seen one of these. Great shot!

  9. Great capture. Birds are so hard to get and we don't have really pretty ones like that one around here.

  10. oo wow never have seen one too cool!


I love all your comments, thank you!